
VerilogCSP Communication Primitives: a Macro Library

A Library of Verilog Macros that Implement CSP Send/Receive Primitives for Designing Asynchronous Systems

Release v1.0, May 13, 2008


Digital system designers usually use Hardware Descriptive Languages to design and model their circuits. These languages are used to describe the circuit behavior at several levels of abstraction. Verilog and VHDL have been the most popular HDLs.

Asynchronous circuit designers, however, often use some form of communicating sequential processes (CSP) to model the intended architectural behavior, because it has two essential features: channel-based communication and fine grained concurrency. The former makes data exchange between modules abstract actions. The latter allows one to define nested sequential and concurrent threads in a model. Thus, a practical Hardware Description Language (HDL) for high-level asynchronous design should implement the above two constructs. Furthermore, similar to many standard HDLs, the following features are highly desired:

  • Support for various levels of abstraction

  • Support for synchronous circuits

  • Support for timing

  • Using available supporting CAD tools

  • A standard syntax

VerilogCSP is a library of macros to support CSP Send/Receive channels in standard Verilog, so that it adds the above mentioned features of CSP language to a standard HDL like Verilog. Using VerilogCSP one can describe nonlinear pipelines and high-level channel timing properties, such as forward and backward latencies, minimum cycle time, and slack, at a very high level, and measure the pipeline performance.

For a detailed explanation of VerilogCSP, please refer to the following paper:

"High Level Modeling of Channel-Based Asynchronous Circuits Using Verilog", Arash Saifhashemi and Peter A. Beerel, CPA2005

How does VerilogCSP look like?

The following example shows how the process Sender sends data to the process Consumer:

module Sender(out);
  reg [7:0]d;
   //Produce d

module Receiver(in);
  reg [7:0]d;
    //Consume d

module top;
  `CHANNEL (ch,8)
  Sender p(ch);
  Receiver c(ch); 


VerilogCSP Macros

VerilogCSP adds a few macros to the standard Verilog. The macros are defined in a separate file.

The macros are as follows:




This macro shall be used in variable declaration area of always blocks of any module that uses VerilogCSP macros


Defines an input port p of size l+2. The extra two least significant bits are uses by macros for handshaking.


Defines an output port p of size l+2. The extra two least significant bits are uses by macros for handshaking.


Defines a channel c of size l+2. The extra two least significant bits are uses by macros for handshaking.

Channels should be used to connect two modules that perform communication actions.

SEND(p, v)

Sends value v on port p


Receives the value of port p and  copies it into variable v


Sends a sync message on port p


Receives a sync message from port p


Split SEND, part 1


Split SEND, part 2


Split RECEIVE, part 1


Split RECEIVE, part 2


Split SEND_SYNC, part 1


Split SEND_SYNC, part 2


Split RECEIVE_SYNC, part 1


Split RECEIVE_SYNC, part 2


Probes input port p and returns true if the mutual process on the port connected to p is trying to SEND. If the value of probe is true, it is safe to perform a RECEIVE action on p.


Probes output port p and returns true if the mutual process on the port connected to p is trying to RECEIVE. If the value of probe is true, it is safe to perform a SEND action on p.


Notice that the least significant two bits on ports are used for handshaking. The user, however, does not need to be concerned about these two bits. The SEND and RECEIVE macros take care of the necessary data shift while transferring data from the port to the variable. The example at the end of this page shows how these macros should be used.

VerilogCSP.v  Macro Definition File

In order to use VerilogCSP macros, VerilogCSP.v file should be included at the beginning of the files which contain modules using CSP channels.

Download VerilogCSP.v from here

Debugging VerilogCSP with Modelsim Virtual Functions

We have used Modelsim advanced debugging features to simplify debugging VerilogCSP designs. In particular, the Virtual Functions enable us to display the status of VerilogCSP channels in the waveform viewer. We have zipped the script files as well as PPT instructions here.  For more information on advanced debugging features, including virtual functions, please refer to the Modelsim Command Reference Manual.


You can download some examples using VerilogCSP macros from here.


Please send feedbacks to saifhash[at]usc[dot]edu

VerilogCSP is part of the CaSCADE tool package, a joint project between USC and Columbia University.
The CaSCADE tool package release was made possible by generous support from NSF ITR Award No. NSF-CCR-0086036.

The development of the individual tools in CaSCADE was supported in part by the above NSF grant, and by some additional funding (see each downloaded tool individually for further information).



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