
Welcome to
USC Asynchronous
CAD/VLSI Group Home Page


USC Asynchronous CAD/VLSI group is investigating Asynchronous and Mixed Synchronous-Asynchronous System Design, Analysis, Synthesis, and Verification. It is located within Electrical Engineering of the University of Southern California.

Our goal is to develop an application-specific integrated-circuit (ASIC) synthesis and place and route flow for high-speed asynchronous designs using standard-cell libraries. 

We design, fabricate, and test chips to demonstrate the advantages of the developed flow and circuits. This year we are working on a 0.18 micron technology test chip implementing a turbo decoder. This chip will be submitted to the SRC/SIA design contest

Our Group, in conjunction with Columbia University, announced the introduction of an asynchronous standard cell library based on the PCHB (Pre-Charged Half Buffer) and the STFB (Single Track Full Buffer) templates. All the cells/gates in both of the libraries have functional, schematic, layout and symbol views that support Cadence DFII files for automatic place and route using Silicon Ensemble. Both detailed documentation and the tarred GDS libraries accessible though the MOSIS Education Prograum Cooperative IP Program which enables downloading of the GDS and documentation via a secure document access web page. This research has been supported by an NSF ITR grant #0086036.

We and Professor Steven Nowicks's Group at Columbia University, have developed several new circuit families for high-speed asynchronous design. Moreover, we are actively pursuing a full CAD flow for these designs that includes synthesis and place and route.

Asynchronous Design in the News


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USC | USC Viterbi School of Engineering | EE Department

Last Updated:05/13/2008
The USC Asynchronous CAD/VLSI Group

Hughes Aircraft Electrical Engineering Center EEB 100 Los Angeles, CA 90089-2560

USC Asynchronous CAD/VLSI Group