Single-track Asynchronous Pipeline Template , M.
Ferretti, Ph.D. Thesis, University of Southern California, Aug,
Template-Based Asynchronous Circuit Design , R.O.
Ozdag, Ph.D. Thesis, University of Southern California, Nov,
Low-Power Circuit Techniques for Battery-Powered DSP
Applications , J.S. Moon, Ph.D. Thesis, University of
Southern California, June, 2003.
Pipeline Optimization for Asynchronous Circuits: Complexity
Analysis and an Efficient Optimal Algorithms , S. Kim,
Ph.D. Thesis, University of Southern California, May, 2003.
Induced Hierarchical Verification of Asynchronous Circuits Using
a Partial Order Technique , V. Vakilotojar, Ph.D. Thesis,
University of Southern California, August, 1999.
Performance Analysis of Asynchronous Circuits and Systems ,
A. Xie, Ph.D. Thesis, University of Southern California, August,
Optimizing Average-Case Performance in the Technology Mapping of
Asynchronous Circuits , W.-C. Chou, Ph.D. Thesis,
University of Southern California, August, 1999.
Minimization using Don't Cares for Formal Verification and Logic
Syntheis , Y. Hong, Ph.D. Thesis, University of Southern
California, August, 1998.
CAD Tools
for the Synthesis, Verification, and T estability of Robust
Asynchronous Circuits , P. A. Beerel, Ph.D. Thesis,
Stanford University, August, 1994.
Peter A. Beerel, Keith M. Chugg,
Georgios D. Dimou, Phunsak Thiennviboon.
"Reduced-latency soft-input/soft-output module"
March 27, 2007. United States Patent No. 7,197,691.
Frederik Eaton and Peter A.
Beerel. "Optimization of cell subtypes in a hierarchical design
flow" February 8, 2005. United States Patent No. 6,854,096.
Peter A. Beerel, Andrew
Lines, and Qing Wu. "Methods and apparatus for facilitating physical
synthesis of an integrated circuit design" August 31, 2004.
United States Patent No. 6,785,875.
Peter A.Beerel; Keith M. Chugg;
Recep Ozdag; Sunan Tugsinavisut; Sushil K. Singh; Phunsak
Thiennviboon. "Sequential decoder for decoding of convolutional
codes" February 10, 2004. United States Patent No. 6,690,752.
Aiguo Xie and Peter A. Beerel.
"Formal Verification of a Logic Design Using Implicit
Enumeration of Strongly Connected Components.'' February 25th,
2003. United States Patent No. 6,536,551.
Ken Stevens, Shai Rotem, Ran
Ginosar, Peter Beerel, Ken Yun, Chris Myers, Rakefet Kol.
"Apparatus and Method for Parallel Processing and Self-Timed
Serial Marking of Variable Length Instructions''. November 2,
1999. United States Patent No. 5,978,899.
Ken Stevens, Shai Rotem, Ran
Ginosar, Peter Beerel, Ken Yun, Chris Myers, Rakefet Kol.
"Apparatus and Method for Self-Timed Marking of Variable Length
Instruction Having Length-Affecting Prefix Bytes''. Sept 7,
1999. United States Patent No. 5,948,096
Ken Stevens, Shai Rotem, Ran
Ginosar, Peter Beerel, Ken Yun, Chris Myers, Rakefet Kol.
"Efficient Self-Timed Marking of Lengthy Variable Length Instructio ns''. 24 August 1999. United States Patent No.
Ken Stevens, Shai Rotem, Ran
Ginosar, Peter Beerel, Ken Yun, Chris Myers, Rakefet Kol.
"Branch Instruction Handling in a Self-Timed Marking System''.
August 3, 1999. United States Patent No. 5,931,944
High-Performance and Low-Power
Design of a High-Speed Asynchronous Turbo Decoder , P. Golani,
G. D. Dimou, M. Prakash, P. A. Beerel,
13th Symposium on Asynchronous Circuits ASYNC, Berkeley, CA, USA,
March 2007.
High Performance Asynchronous Design Using Single-Track
Full-Buffer Standard Cells , M. Ferretti and P. A. Beerel, IEEE
Journal of Solid-State Circuits, Vol. 41, No. 6, pp. 1444-1454,
June 2006.
High Performance Asynchronous ASIC Back-End Design Flow Using
Single-Track Full-Buffer Standard Cells , M. Ferretti, R.O.
Ozdag and P.A. Beerel, 10th Symposium on Asynchronous Circuits
ASYNC, Herssonissos, Greece, April 2004.
Efficient Asynchronous Bundled-Data Pipelines for DCT Matrix-Vector
Multiplication ,
IEEE Transactions on VLSI Systems, vol. 3, no. 4., pp. 448-461, April 2005.
A 0.18um implementation of a floating-point unit for a
processing-in-memory system , T. Kwon, J.S. Moon, J.
Sondeen, J. Draper Accepted for publication of ISCAS 2004.
Voltage-pulse driven harmonic resonant rail drivers for
low-power applications , J.S. Moon, W.C. Athas, S.D. Soli,
J.T. Draper, P. A. Beerel IEEE Trans. VLSI Systems, Vol. 11, No.
5, Oct. 2003, pp762-777.
An area-efficient standard-cell floating-point unit design
for a processing-in-memory system , J.S. Moon, T. Kwon, J.
Sondeen, J. Draper, European Solid-State Circuit Conference (ESSCIRC),
Sep. 2003.
asynchronous pipeline comparisons with application to DCT
matrix-vector multiplication , S. Tugsinavisut, S.
Jirayucharoensak and P. A. Beerel, ISCAS'03, May. 2003.
Asynchronous circuits: an increasingly practical design solution ,
P. A. Beerel, ISQED'02, pp. 367 -372, March. 2002.
Low-Power Sequential Access Memory Design , J.S. Moon,
W.C Athas, P.A. Beerel and J.T. Draper, CICC'02, May. 2002.
High-Speed QDI Asynchronous Pipelines , R.O. Ozdag and P.
A. Beerel, ASYNC'02, Apr. 2002.
High-Speed Non-Linear Asynchronous Pipelines , R.O. Ozdag
and P. A. Beerel, DATE'02, Mar. 2002.
Single-Track Asynchronous Pipeline Templates using 1-OF-N
Encoding , M. Ferretti and P. A. Beerel, DATE'02, Mar.
Control Circuit Templates for Asynchronous Bundled-data
Pipelines , S. Tugsinavisut and P. A. Beerel, DATE'02,
Mar. 2002.
Low Swing Signaling Using a Dynamic Diode-Connectedi Driver ,
M. Ferretti and P. A. Beerel, ESSCIRC'01, Sep. 2001.
Theory and Practical Implementation of harmonic Resonant Rail
Driver , J.S. Moon, W.C. Athas and P. A. Beerel,
ISLPED'01, pp. 153-158, Aug. 2001.
Low Latency SISO with Application to Broadband Turbo Decoding ,
P. A. Beerel and K.M. Chugg, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in
Communications, Vol : 19 Issue: 5, May. 2001.
Asynchronous Instruction Length Decoder , K.S. Stevens,
S. Rotem, R. Ginosar, P.A. Beerel, C.J. Myers, K.Y. Yun, R. Koi,
C. Dike, M. Roncken, IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, pp.
217-228, Feb. 2001.
/spl Oscr/(log/sub 2/N)-latency SISO with Application to
Broadband Turbo Dec oding , P. A. Beerel and K.M. Chugg,
MILCOM'00 Oct. 2000.
Asynchronous Matrix-Vector Multiplication for Discrete Cosine
Transform , K. Kim, P. A. Beerel and Y. Hong, ISLPED'00,
Jul. 2000.
Algorithm and Circuit Co-design for a Low-Power Sequential
Decoder , S.K. Singh, P. Thiennviboon, R.O. Ozdag, S.
Tugsinavisut, P. A. Beerel and K.M. Chugg, ASILOMAR'99, pp.
389-394, Oct. 1999.
MSB-Controlled Inversion Coding for Low-Power Matrix Transposer ,
K. Kim and P. A. Beerel, Accepted to IEE Electronic Letters,
Aug. 1999.
Statistically Optimized Asynchronous Barrel Shifters for
Variable Length Codecs , P. A. Beerel, S. Kim, P.-C. Yeh,
K. Kim. ISPLED'99, Aug. 1999.
RAPPID: An Asynchronous
Instruction Length Decoder , S. Rotem, K. Stevens, R. Ginosar,
P. A. Beerel, C. Myers, K. Yun, R. Kol, C. Dike, M. Roncken, and
B. Agapiev. ASYNC'99, April 1999.
Design and Verification of a Low-Control-Overhead Asynchronous
Differential Equation Solver , K. Y. Yun, P. A. Beerel,
V. Vakilotojar, A. Dooply, and J. Arceo. IEEE Transactions on
VLSI, Dec. 1998.
Speculative Completion for the Design of High-Performance
Asynchronous Dynamic Adders , S. M. Nowick, K. Y. Yun, P.
A. Beerel, and A. Dooply, ASYNC-97, April, 1997.
Design and Verification of a Low-Control-Overhead Asynchronous
Differential Equation Solver , K. Y. Yun, P. A. Beerel,
V. Vakilotojar, A. Dooply, and J. Arceo. ASYNC-97, April 1997.
Two-Phase Micropipeline Building Blocks: Double Edge-Triggered
Latches and Burst-Mode Select and Toggle Circuits , K.
Y. Yun, P. A. Beerel, and J. Arceo, In IEE Proceedings-Circuits,
Devices and Systems. pp 282-288. Vol. 143, No. 5, October 1996.
Low-Control-Overhead Asynchronous Differential Equation Solver ,
K. Y. Yun, P. A. Beerel, V. Vakilotojar, A. Dooply, and J. Arceo,
ESSCIRC-96, pp. 352-255. September, 1996.
High-Performance Asynchronous Pipeline Circuits , K. Y.
Yun, P. A. Beerel, and J. Arceo, ASYNC-96, pp 17-28. April,
Synthesis and Technology Mapping:
Average-Case Technology Mapping of Asynchronous Burst-Mode
Circuits , W.-C. Chou and P. A. Beerel, IEEE Transaction
on Computer-Aided Design, Oct. 1999.
Average-case optimized Technology Mapping of One-Hot Domino
Circuits , W.-C Chou and P. A. Beerel and R. Ginosar and
R. Kol and C. J. Myers and S. Rotem and K. Stevens and K. Y. Yun,
Async '98, April 1998.
Conditions and Algorithms for the Synthesis of
Speed-Independent Circuits P. A. Beerel, C. J. Myers,
and T. H. Meng. IEEE Transactions on CAD, pp. 205--219, March
A Heuristic
Covering Technique for Optimizing Average-Case Delay in the
Technology Mapping of Burst-Mode Circuits , P. A.
Beerel, K. Y. Yun, and W.-C. Chou, EURO-DAC-96, Sept. 1996.
Average-Case Delay in Technology Mapping of Burst-Mode Circuits
, P. A. Beerel, K. Y. Yun, and W.-C. Chou, Async-96,
April 1996.
Mapping of Timed Circuits , C. J. Myers, P. A. Beerel,
and T. H.-Y. Meng, Asynchronous Design Methodologies, May 1995.
Synthesis of Gate-Level Speed-Independent Circuits , P.
A. Beerel and T. H.-Y. Meng, ICCAD-92, November, 1993.
Formal Verification:
Relative Timing Based Verification of Timed Circuits and Systems ,
H. Kim, P.A. Beerel and K.S. Stevens. ASYNC'02, April 2002.
Timing Based Verification of Timed Circuits and Systems ,
H. Kim and P.A. Beerel. IWLS'99, June 1999.
PowerPoint presentation slides ).
Symbolic Reachability Analysis of Large Finite State Machines
Using Don't Cares Y. Hong and P. A. Beerel. Design
Automation and Test Conference in Europe (DATE), 1999.
Hazard--Freedom Checking in Speed--Independent Systems ,
H. Yenigun, V. Levin, D. Peled, and P. A. Beerel, CHARME'99.
Combinational Equivalence of Speed-Independent Circuits ,
P. A. Beerel, J. R. Burch and T. H.-Y. Meng, Formal Methods in S
ystem Design, 13, 37--85, 1998.
Reachability Analysis of Large Finite State Machines Using Don't
Cares Y. Hong and P. A. Beerel. Int. Workshop on Logic
Synthesis, 1998.
Hiding Memory
Elements in Induced Hierarchical Verification of
Speed-Independent Circuits , V. Vakilotojar and P. A.
Beerel, IWLS-98, June 1998.
Verification of Timed Asynchronous and Homogeneous Systems using
Symbolic Model Checking , V. Vakilotojar and P. A.
Beerel, INTEGRATION, The VLSI Journal, December 1997.
Reachability Analysis of Large Finite State Machines Using Don't
Care-Based BDD Minimization Y. Hong and P. A. Beerel,
USC CENG 97-25, December 1997.
Verification of Timed Asynchronous an d Heterogeneous Systems
using Symbolic Model Checking , V. Vakilotojar and P. A.
Beerel, ASPDAC-97, January 1997.
Verification of Determinate Speed-Indep endent Circuits ,
P. A. Beerel, J. R. Burch and T. H.-Y. Meng, ICCAD-94, November
and Sufficient Conditions for Correct Gate-Level
Speed-Independent Circuits , P. A. Beerel, J. R. Burch
and T. H.-Y. Meng, Async-94, October 1994.
Sibling-substitution-based BDD minimization using don't cares ,
Y. Hong, P. A. Beerel, J.R. Burch and K.L. McMillan, IEEE
Transaction on CAD, Vol: 19 Issue: 1, Jan. 2000.
Sibling-Substitution Based
BDD Minimization Using Don't Cares , Y. Hong, P. A. Beerel,
J. Burch, and K. McMillan. Accepted for publication in IEEE
Transaction on CAD, Sept. 1999
care-based BDD Minimization For Embedded Soft ware Y.
Hong, P. A. Beerel, L. Lavagno, and E. M. Sentovich. Proc. 35th
Design Automation Conf., June 1998.
the Quality of Safe BDD Minimization Using Don't Cares
Y. Hong and P. A. Beerel, USC CENG 97-14, October 1997.
Safe BDD
Minimization Using Don't Cares , Y. Hong, P. A. Beerel,
J. Burch, and K. McMillan. Proc. 34th Design Automation Conf.,
June 1997.
Semi-modularity and Testability of Speed-Independent Circuits ,
P. A. Beerel and T. H.-Y. Meng, Integration, The VLSI Journal,
pp. 301-322. Sep. 1992.
Testability of
Asynchronous Self-Timed Control Circuits with Delay Assumptions ,
P. A. Beerel and T. H.-Y. Meng, DAC-91, June 1991.
Semi-modularity and Self-Diagnostic Asynchronous Circuits ,
P. A. Beerel and T. H.-Y. Meng, ARVLSI-91, March 1991.
Power and Performance Analysis and Optimization:
Back-Annotation in High-Speed Asynchronous Design ,
(Invited) Journal of Low Power Electonics, Special Issue on PATMOS 2005,
American Scientific Publishers (ed), vol. 2, issue 2, pp. 37-44, April 2006.
Pipeline Optimization for Asynchronous Circuits: Complexity Analysis
and an Efficient Optimal Algorithm ,
P. A. Beerel and S. Kim,
IEEE Transactions on CAD, vol. 25, issue 3, pp 389-402, March 2006.
Reducing Probablilistic Timed Petri Nets for Asynchronous
Architectural Analysis , S.Kim, S. Tugsinavisut, and P.A.
Beerel, TAU'02, Dec. 2002.
Performance Analysis of
Asynchronous Circuits Using Markov Chains. P. A. Beerel and
A. Xie, In Concurrency and Hardware Design: Advances in Petri
Nets, J. Cortadella, A. Yakovlev, G. Rozenberg (Eds), 2002.
Pipeline Optimization for Asynchronous Circuits: Complexity
Analysis and an Efficient Optimal Algorithm , S. Kim
and P. A. Beerel, ICCAD-2000, November 2000.
Implicit Enumeration of Strongly Connected Components and an
Application to Formal Verification , A. Xie, P. A.
Beerel, IEEE Transaction on CAD, Vol: 19 Issue: 10, Oct. 2000.
Implicit Enumeration of Strongly Connected Components ,
A. Xie, P. A. Beerel, ICCAD-99, November 1999.
Accelerating Markovian Analysis of Asynchronous Systems using
State Compression , A. Xie, P. A. Beerel, IEEE Trans. on
CAD, Vol. 18, No. 7, July 1999.
Analysis of Asynchronous Circuits and Systems using Stochastic
Timed Petri Nets , A. Xie, P. A. Beerel, (invited paper)
the 2nd Internatio nal Workshop on Hardware Design and Petri
Nets (HWPN-99), June 1999.
Average Time Separations of Events in Stochastic Timed Petri
Nets with Choice , A. Xie, S. Kim, P. A. Beerel,
ASYNC-99, April 1999. (Here is
extended version with proofs )
Efficient State Classification of Finite-State Markov Chains
, A. Xie, P. A. Beerel, IEEE Trans. on CAD, Vol. 17, No. 12,
December 1998.
State Classification of Finite-State Markov Chains , A.
Xie, P. A. Beerel, DAC-98, June 1998.
Accelerating Markovian Analysis of Asynchronous Systems using
String-based State C ompression , A. Xie, P. A. Beerel,
ASYNC-98, April 1998.
Symbolic Techniques for Performance Analysis of Timed Circuits
Based on Average Time Separation of Events , A. Xie, P.
A. Beerel, ASYNC-97, April 1997.
Estimation of Speed-Independent Control Circuits , P. A.
Beerel, C.-T. Hsieh, S. Wadekar, IEEE Transactions on CAD, pp.
672-680. June, 1996.
and Bounding of Energy Consumption in Burst-Mode Control
Circuits , P. A. Beerel, K. Y. Yun, S. M. Nowick, and
P.-C. Yeh, ICCAD-95, Nov, 1995.
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