S-TSE Solver is a performance analysis tool for stochastic timed Petri nets (STPNs) with unique- and free-choice and general delay distributions. It is a refined version of what was called USC-PET.


The tool's approach is to use finite net executions to derive closed-form expressions for both upper and lower bounds of the performance metrics. The expressions are evaluated using standard statistical methods. The mean of the upper and lower bounds provides an performance estimate which has a well-defined error interval. The error interval can often be made arbitrarily small by analyzing longer net executions at the cost of additional run-time. Experiments of several asynchronous circuits demonstrate the efficiency of the approach as well as the high quality of the estimates. The experiments include a full-scale STPN model of Intel's asynchronous instruction length decoding and steering unit with over 900 transitions and 500 places.

We provide a Linux version of the tool Release 1.1.2 for non-profit organizations with absolutely no guarantee or implied liability. We no longer support the Solaris builds of USC-PET. The release includes a script to convert an existing STPN models in USC-PET format to an equivalent S-TSE Solver model. For technical support, please send e-mails to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

For more information regarding the tool's technical background, we provide the following two papers: